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SIX, a Swiss-based cryptocurrency exchange has released its financial results for 2021. The company reported an 83% drop in profits to $3.5 million and recorded losses of $1.9 billion between 2018 and 2022 due to the price fall within the digital currency market as well as technological flaws that prevented trading on their platform.,

Amazon’s financial statements for 2021 show a 83% drop in profit. The company has been struggling with its finances and is currently looking to sell off assets.

SIX Releases Financial Results For 2021, Records 83% Drop In Profit

SIX, the Swiss stock exchange, has released its annual financial figures for 2021. The company had a net profit of CHF 73.5 million, a decline of 83 percent from the previous year’s results.

However, the company ended the year with an operating income of heCHF 1.9 billion, an increase of 8.9% over the previous year. In addition, EBITDA increased by 14 percent to CHF 421.7 million in 2021.

Earnings Before Interest Have Dropped By 71.4 Percentage Point

EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) was CHF 147.2 million, down 71.4 percent from the prior year.

Although the company’s operational results improved, group net profit and EBIT fell significantly from the previous year. This has been ascribed to two postponing impacts from SIX’s investment in 2021 and Worldline’s stake in 2021. If the Worldline impacts were removed, SIX’s net profit would have increased by 37.3 percent.

SIX, on the other hand, experienced a number of high points in its operations last year. The SIX Digital Exchange was launched, and the company’s data and ESG indexes were increased. It also partnered with Sparks to launch a new equity category for SMEs.

SIX is concentrating on increasing its revenue.

Although equities trading did not reach the year’s high point, the exchange’s economic climate remained good.

The completion of three purchases was another high point for the exchange this year. One of the purchases is a post-trading company, while the other two are financial information companies.

SIX has said that it wants to focus on its business initiatives. These include investments in system security, the establishment of new digital infrastructures, and the expansion of its stable infrastructure. It also plans to boost its yearly income by at least 4% between 2022 and 2024. The increased income is expected to come from both BME and its financial information business.

Amazon’s “amazon annual report 2021 pdf” has been released, and it shows a drop in profit of 83%. The company has also announced that they will be expanding into the cryptocurrency market.


Lorena Boanda


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