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The Ukrainian government is currently faced with a financial crisis that has increased the need for help from international organizations. As such, they have issued an appeal to foreign governments and agencies in hopes of raising enough money before the end of 2018. Who will come on board?

Fintechs Unite To Support Ukraine Fund Appeal

An appeal has been launched to urge different financial technology (fintech) enterprises to contribute and collect much-needed funding for the people impacted by the Ukraine conflict.

Fintechs for Ukraine aims to urge technology businesses to collect as much money as possible to aid victims of the continuing crisis, with contributions going directly to Save the Children’s Ukraine Appeal.

This effort, which was started by Monneo, now has 17 members, including ComplyAdvantage, Railsbank, Payabl, and Coinbase.

Monneo’s managing director, Lili Metodieva, stated:

“We wish to inspire our colleagues and peers to band together and raise as much money as possible to aid the people of Ukraine who are in severe need of basic necessities.”

We have members of our team living and working in Ukraine right now, as do many of our fintech colleagues and peers, which makes the situation even more personal.

We’re encouraging fintech companies to band together and make a meaningful impact, whether via contributions or by helping to spread the word online.”

Fintechs unite in Ukraine fund appeal

Monneo ensures that no fees will be imposed to the contributed monies since he is the organizer. In the same vein, the company will ensure that there will be no mark-ups on bitcoin to fiat money contributions. Monneo will eventually reimburse any third-party transaction costs that may be incurred as a result of such contributions.


Lorena Boanda


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